Evo Morales for Spiegel Magazine
Oil welder Carlos in Dilley, Texas
Albert Guix, the new image for VOLANS band
A pesant at La Terza Cué community remains jobless as the fields the community once owned are now part of a large soy plantation. They are on an ongoing conflict over the ownership of the land with the plantation company, which they accuse of steadily grabbing their lands in connivence from corrupted authorities. They also face pressure from a Rural Police group they accuse of acting on behalf of the company, as well as threats and economic pressure to leave the area. Since 2003 there had been 11 unsolved murders in the community, all by hit mans. Land grabbing and concentration of land sometimes in foreign hands is reported by national and international organizations to be one of Paraguay's major problems.
Erica Quaíni at her house in San Martín de los Andes, Argentina
Catalan MP Miquel Iceta photographed in Barcelona for the 2015 presidential campaign
Evo Morales for the Wall Street Journal
Pierre Dominique Gerdil
Elisavet Ticona, member of the first Union of Women Construction Workers in La Paz, Bolivia, for COLORS Magazine
Elton in Bilwi, Nicaragua, for WaterAid
Leonardo Linares at his Alerbrije workshop for Hemslöjd Magazine
Actor Sebastián Ladrón in Mexico City
"Abuelita" Amalia for The Museum of Mexico City
Silvia in London
Surfers in Pundaquit, Philippines
Jose Luis in Barcelona
Mariachis in Plaza Garibaldi for The Museum of Mexico City
Lesby her sister Cindy for The California Sunday Magazine
Beatrice Ferrari for Le Temps
Teti in London
Mara at "Naturaleza Viva" farm in Argentina, for We Feed the World exhibition
Nicaragua for WaterAid
Jazmin Fallas Kerr in San José, Costa Rica, for the Internet Society
Santos for The California Sunday Magazine