Los Menonos

“Comprising of images taken between 2010 and 2011 in the Mennonite colonies of Santa Cruz, in Eastern Bolivia, Los Menonos is a portrait of a community of self-styled, self-willed outsiders that have voyaged out into the wilderness of a foreign land to escape that which may yet prove to be inescapable: the inexorable encroachment of global capitalism and its implicit disdain for those that do not partake of its market-driven values.
Ruiz Cirera’s sometimes stark, sometimes luminous, images convey all the stillness and austerity of the Bolivian Mennonites who – in a perhaps surprising act of faith – put their trust in him. He has, I think, repaid that trust and, out of such stark simplicity, created a rich and evocative portrait of a self-contained people and their singular way of life.”

Sean O’Hagan. From the foreword to the book Los Menonos, Editions du LIC, 2014

First edition of 750 copies *SOLD OUT*
104 pages, 57 colour plates
29,3 cm x 21.0 cm
Hot foil embossed hardcover with tip-on print
Offset printing at Optimal Media
Text by Sean O’Hagan and Jordi Ruiz Cirera